Five Simple Steps to Follow Through and Never Give up on Your Projects

Five Simple Steps to Follow Through and Never Give up on Your Projects

Have you ever started working on a project, but gave up as soon as you faced some adversities?

I know how it feels.

You felt ashamed for quitting so quickly, and your self-confidence degraded, which is a disastrous consequence.

Never giving up on the projects that matter to your heart is crucial for a healthy self-esteem.

Dropping out is heartbreaking, causing you to have regrets later in your life.

So, why are you giving up so quickly?

4 Major Reasons Why You Keep Giving Up

 Reason 1: You Are Your Own Enemy

You either lack the desire, will, motivation, commitment, or all of them.

You keep quitting because of your fears, or because of the excuses you keep feeding your mind with.

Thus, procrastination paralyzes you.

Task delaying became your second nature, and the postponing led to your surrender.


Reason 2: Lack of Organization

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

The second reason is related to your own actions and decisions.

Achieving your goals with a poor plan is impossible.

Taking action without preparation is a major cause of abandonment.

Learn to set clear goals, and make a habit of following through.

Reason 3: Your Social Circle

By telling you how crazy you are to start your project, your negative social circle can become a real dream crusher.

Use their discouragement to fuel your mind into proving them wrong, or learn to filter negative advises.

They can’t see what you see, and that’s a good sign because;

“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.” – John Scully

Reason 4: Environmental Circumstances

External circumstances can also crush your ambitions.

Things never go as planned, leading you in pure disappointment.

It can be as foolish as a car breakdown, or a subway delay that makes you missing a crucial appointment.

So… What Now?

Now that you know why you keep quitting, every time you want to give up on a project, try finding the essence of your discouragement.

Then, you need to counteract that negative energy with a positive one.

Keep reading the following five simple steps to never give up on your projects, you’ll understand.

1. The Power of a Positive Mindset and Belief

 No matter the situation, you need to adopt a positive mindset.

“Persistence is the ability to maintain actions regardless of your feelings. You press on even when you feel like quitting. When you work on any big goal your motivation will wax and wane like the waves hitting the shore. Sometimes you’ll feel motivated, sometimes you won’t. But it’s not your motivation that creates results – it’s your action. “ – Unknown

You need to separate yourself from your emotions, and keep moving forward no matter the poison that your inner voice keeps feeding you.

To keep a winning mindset, challenge yourself regularly with small changes and always follow through.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van

You will cultivate your optimism one day at a time.

The things happening to you aren’t nearly as important as the way you perceive them.

Do you want to become a no matter what person?

A positive mindset is crucial.

2. Have a plan

Setting precise goals is fundamental to your success

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

Don’t ever underestimate the importance of setting clear first actions towards your goals.

The beginning is always the hardest, as you are lonely in the shadows.

Add certainty by planning clear and precise objectives.

Your goals will help you track and evaluate your progress as you are moving toward your dreams. Thus, showing you the remaining effort required to attain them.

This approach is fundamental, as it provides meaning to your actions and traces a path for you in the long run.

3. Change your views on obstacles

The harder it is, the better you will feel about your victory.

Things will never go as planned, and this is where the pleasure begins.

Setbacks are opportunities to learn, to create, or to search for a better plan.

You need to master adaptation, as we are living in a world that is changing on a daily basis.

Act as a child, and cultivate the curiosity to learn about new ideas and ways of doing things. Thus, you’ll have the necessary tools in your bag when times demand it.

4. Create external support

You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with.

As stated earlier, a negative environment can be a real dream crusher.

Surround yourself with people that have similar values, who will support you in difficult times, and give you constructive advice when needed.

Thus, they will provide you positive energy.

5. Create proactive habits

 Positive and proactive behaviors are fundamental to your success.

Morning rituals are the authorship of your day.

Efficient habits will keep you going forward through tough situations, and proactivity will separate you from your emotions in order to take action no matter the circumstance.

Persistence is crucial to make proactivity becoming part of you, in other words, becoming second nature.

Start Today, and Quit Quitting

 Feel inspired, and thoughtful?

Take advantage of the situation, and schedule your first action immediately.

It doesn’t have to be exhausting.

For example, if you want to start your own blog, buy your domain name and server today, and burn the bridge behind you.

Then, set a long-term goal.

Once your goal is clearly appointed, set small daily and weekly goals that moves you toward your ambition.

Look at each day as a step forward, and each week as a progress tracker.

Start implementing the strategy.

Break your poisoning inner voice and thoughts.

When a negative thought makes surface, write it down in a notebook.

Then, take a minute to reflect its positive counterpart, and write it down below it.

As example, if your project is to run for 10 km non-strop, and your inner voice tells you it’s an impossible goal because you never did it before, write it down.

Then, remember the progress you have made since your first training, and write it down just underneath it.

It will make you realize that your negative beliefs are groundless, and your actions can overcome them.

Don’t ever make the mistake of overlooking this exercise!

It may seem simple, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

You will be amazed by the results.

Remember, persistence is the key!

Your turn to play!

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If you recognized yourself in this article, please share your thoughts on how you will change your situation, and become a no matter what person!

Author: Editorial Staff  

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